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Apollo Screen Print

A visual history of every manned Apollo flight, charting one of mankind’s greatest achievements all the way from Kennedy’s ‘We choose to go to the Moon’ speech to Armstrong’s ‘One Small Step’ and beyond.
The Apollo missions have always fascinated me – the sheer determination and bravery required to carry what still seems like the impossible in today’s world, yet alone using technology of that era. With this print I’ve tried to map out the major milestones, from the speech that started it all, following a timeline as each incremental mission got closer and closer through to the actual landings themselves. I’ve hidden a couple of easter eggs in there too for true space nerds :)
Size: B2 (500 x 707mm)
Metallic gold and white inks on 270gsm GF Smith Amethyst Colorplan. Beautifully screen printed by K2 Screen in London.
Edition of 100 – signed and numbered.

A visual history of every manned Apollo flight, charting one of mankind’s greatest achievements all the way from Kennedy’s ‘We choose to go to the Moon’ speech to Armstrong’s ‘One Small Step’ and beyond. Available to buy.

This is the start of a personal project I’ve been planning for a while now. The Apollo missions have always fascinated me – the sheer determination and bravery required to carry out what still seems like the impossible in today’s world, yet alone using technology of that era. With this print I’ve tried to map out the major milestones, from the speech that started it all, following a timeline as each incremental mission got closer and closer through to the actual landings themselves. I’ve hidden a couple of easter eggs in there too for true space nerds and set all type in  Futura Demibold – the NASA typeface of the period.

Size: B2 (500 x 707mm)

Metallic gold and white inks on 270gsm GF Smith Amethyst Colorplan. Beautifully screen printed by K2 Screen in London.

Edition of 100 – signed and numbered.

Available to buy from by my store Made from Data.















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